Dive into some of the stories

that have shaped our path to where

we are today.

Creators of Peace Fundraising Fun

Creators of Peace Fundraising Fun

On Sunday 20 October 60 people gathered for a traditional African meal at the African Village Centre Restaurant in Torrensville, South Australia for the annual Creators of Peace South Australia...

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Creators of Peace comes to Newcastle, NSW

Creators of Peace comes to Newcastle, NSW

The Initiatives of Change flagship program Creators of Peace has continued to make an impact through its key programs across Australia. In November this year a Creators of Peace Circle took place in...

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Collaborating in the Bandung Peace Week

Collaborating in the Bandung Peace Week

The visit of five Indonesians to Australia – starting from 31 May with a Life Matters course in Brisbane, connecting with the IofC network in Sydney, and followed by a range of meetings in Melbourne...

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IofC Indonesia Team Visit

IofC Indonesia Team Visit

In an opportunity to demonstrate building bridges of friendship and trust across our diversity, an exchange visit from IofC Indonesia was organised in May-June this year. A group of five...

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The Joy of Global Harmony

The Joy of Global Harmony

The afternoon of Sunday 12 February brought Armagh to life with the sound of music and the sight of colourful costumes. The event was organised by IofCA and the Tongji Melbourne Alumni...

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‘Soul Food’- A Community of Practice

‘Soul Food’- A Community of Practice

In Sydney, 16 Creators of Peace women met on 5 December for an end-of-year celebration. ‘Togetherness’, ‘soul food’, ‘rich and meaningful conversations’, ‘deep friendships and connections’, ‘sense...

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Art Therapy with Creators of Peace

Art Therapy with Creators of Peace

Initiatives of Change Australia (IofCA) completed its two-year partnership with the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre in Dandenong, Victoria, with an online session of food and art on 20 August....

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Countering Isolation and Violence

Countering Isolation and Violence

Supporting refugee and migrant women through cultural exchanges ‘Rosemary Kariuki’ reverberates as a motherly name to many of Australia’s domestic violence survivors. Founder of the Cultural...

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