is a catalyst for personal and societal transformation. At Initiatives of Change Australia, we continue to invest in empowering individuals to embrace ethical leadership principles and develop the skills needed to lead with integrity, empathy, and accountability.

What is Ethical

Are you going through some changes right now? Do you want to improve the relationships in your life? Do you have new responsibilities at work, at home, or in your community?

Our workshops help you Identify the unique gifts that you bring to the world. Learn the skills that you need to make a real difference. Prepare yourself for a life of fulfilment, challenge, and reward, with the support of a network of people who care.

As you take your next step in life, make sure it’s the right direction for you.


Ethical Leadership workshops are back!

As life returned to ‘normal’ in early 2021 in Melbourne, the Life Matters team sprang into action

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