First Peoples shaping initiatives and leadership for substantive change in Australia

What are First People Partnerships?

Australians are beginning to realise that our legacy of control and domination has denied our national life of the rich cultural heritage and enduring wisdom of the First Peoples of this continent. At the same time, effective solutions to the challenges of ‘Closing the Gap’ need to be established in partnerships under Indigenous leadership. First Peoples Partnerships provide a space where together we can work on the change needed in Australia—to challenge and change colonial patterns by learning to model Walking Together as allies and collaborators on the First Peoples agenda for bringing substantive change in Australia. 


The Power of Culture

First Peoples Partnerships create opportunities to immerse yourself in the cultural diversity of First Peoples’ heritage and expressions—the ‘primal cry’ of the yidaki (the didgeridoo), the rich story lines of Aboriginal art, the regenerative practice of Indigenous mindfulness through dance and movement, and the penetrating productions of First Nations film-makers.

Participation in First People Partnerships enrich and expand our understanding of what it is to be Australian. We change our perceptions of land, waters and environment through encounters with ancient wisdoms and applied knowledge. We learn from opportunities to practise Walking Together as allies and collaborators.