The Annual Report 2020 – 21 is out!

July 21, 2021

How did we do in the long year of COVID-19 lockdowns? Our Annual Report for 2020-21 has photos and stories of how we have continued to travel together in a uniquely challenging year.

  • We launched a new program for walking together with First Nations communities to acknowledge the truth of our nation’s history.
  • Our Creators of Peace Circles brought inspiration and calm to participants, while promoting practices for happiness and resilience in these difficult times.
  • We developed and field-tested a guide for ‘New Story conversations’ to imagine and bring a better world into being.
  • Between several rounds of lockdown, we organised one residential Life Matters workshop! Online, our webinars on Effective Leadership in Times of Crisis and our Leadership Community of Practice continued to share ideas and models of ethical leadership.
  • We refurbished Armagh, our Australia-Pacific Centre in Melbourne, in readiness for new partnerships that will use our facilities as a platform for change.