Check out these upcoming opportunities to participate in: workshops, peace circles, story sharing events and more.


Co-Creating Home for Humanity: Transforming our Divided World Together

Armagh Melbourne

How can our homes and organisations become incubators and catalysts for societal and ecological regeneration, helping to transform a divided and dangerous world into a united home that celebrates diversity and lives in harmony with nature?
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Rama Mani and Alexander Schieffer, creators of Home for Humanity, as they share their vision of transforming homes into hubs for global change.

Turruk: Fireside Yarn

Armagh Melbourne

Join us in a yarning circle with Tata Juan Nelson Rojas, a Traditional Knowledge-holder of the Nahuat Pipil First Nation of El Salvador.

Event Series Creating Space

Creating Space

Virtual Event Virtual Event

First Monday of every month.
Creating Space is where our community gathers to connect, share some time in stillness and renew our sense of purpose in the world. We create a space for quiet reflection, inner listening and deep sharing.


Check how we have been promoting ways to be the change we want to see in the world.

Peacebuilding at the Grassroots

A presentation and discussion on grassroots peacebuilding initiatives in Indonesia and Australia with eminent speakers and practitioners

Annual General Meeting 2024

The IofCA Annual General Meeting for 2024 will be held on Thursday, 4 July 2024 from 7.30pm to 9.00pm via Zoom.

Community Dinner

Armagh Melbourne

A Community Dinner for people in the IofC network – including newcomers – to get to know and keep in touch with each other.